Awards Eligibility for 2019

art by Toe Keen for Robot Dinosaurs

Gosh. I wrote some doozies in 2019. I would be absolutely delighted if you would consider them as we approach the upcoming awards nomination season.


“The Dead, In Their Uncontrollable Power” at Uncanny Magazine, March 2019.

The funeral is nearly over when the dead captain explodes. Roses turn to shrapnel. The cathedral is lost in fire. I am drenched in blood. Bone buries itself in the wall next to my head, my arm, my howling, open mouth. I am standing at the back of the room where a sin-eater’s child belongs, and that is why I live when everyone else dies.

The Dead, In Their Uncontrollable Power is a startling piece of writing; I can’t remember the last time I read sci-fi this furious and bitter. — Here And Then Gone

“This is a dark and wrenching story, written in gorgeously evocative prose.” — Maria Haskins

“The Two-Bullet War” in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, March 2019

The queen lay dying. She had wrapped herself in a nest of wrinkled sheets on the floor of the cathedral, stinking and sweating, her clawlike hands shaking, fluid collecting at the back of her throat. In the loft, a choir howled. They had been singing for hours, and the soloist was hoarse.

“Powerfully accomplished.” — Charles Payseur, Quick Sip Reviews

“From the first word, there’s barely a moment to breathe. A great story.” — Mike Wyant, Jr.

“The Blanched Bones, The Tyrant Wind” in Fireside, March 2019

The city lives because we die: we, the shivering, bloody few, the girls who climb the diamond stair in the winter to serve ourselves to the dragon

“As beautifully written as a poem and as sharp as barbed wire.” — Alex Brown,


“Cratered” at Future Science Fiction Digest, June 2019

The fireplace stuck out from the lunar surface like a middle finger directed at my future.

“I love everything about this science fiction/high-tech horror story; it has a bit of a Bradbury vibe.” — Maria Haskins for Barnes & Noble

Thank you again for your consideration! Finally, just a note: I am no longer eligible for the Astounding Award for Best New Writer.

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